Try our NEW AI Meal Plan Builder (BETA)
No Subscription Needed
You won’t have to worry about any unexpected charges from us! When you order from us, you are NOT locked in for the following weeks! Don’t forget to sign up for weekly SMS Text reminders!
New Weekly Menus
Each week, we upload a new weekly high protein meal prep menu, along with periodically rotated add-on menu options like our breakfast! All of our food is prepared fresh weekly in San Antonio, Texas
Convenient Delivery
Receive ETA’s via text message and the day of your delivery! You will even get a confirmation text of your meals after delivery. All meals are delivered in included insulated bags with gel packs to keep everything fresh.
Ready To Eat
Your meals will arrive fresh, portioned, and ready to eat. No prep necessary! Make sure to refrigerate them as soon as they arrive & don’t forget to order before our weekly Saturday cutoff!
Ready to order?
Why Fit Foodie?
Fit Foodie is San Antonio's premier heat & eat meal prep service offering an array of healthy, chef-prepared meals that are ready-to-eat and fit for any lifestyle!
Pick the meals that best fit your lifestyle & preference!
Choose the amount of meals you would like.
Select Pickup/Delivery
Tell us where you'd like your meals to go.